St. Willibrord Church

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The built of the Saint Willibrord Church in Utrecht was initiated in 1875, by design of the Dutch architect Alfred Tepe (1840-1920). The neo-gothic church is also a creation of the Saint Bernulphus guild, an association founded in 1869 consisting of priests and artists.The woodcarving has been made in the studio of Friedrich Wilhelm Mengelberg (1837-1919), the stained glass windows in the studio of Heinrich Geuer (1841-1904). The church was closed down in 1967 by the archdiocese Utrecht and was sold to Mr. A.J. Lismand who prevented the church of being demolished.

In 1987, father drs. Winand Kotte A.A. bought the badly run down church in collaboration with the church community. In the period from 1991 until 2006, father Kotte (1922-2006) oversaw the restoration of the Saint Willibrord Church to its original state. As a reward for this unique achievement, the municipality distinguished him with the Saint Martin's medal of the city of Utrecht. Father Kotte kept the church, a European monument, for the Roman-Catholic Latin services. Since 2016, the priests of the priestly brotherhood St. Pius X dedicate the holy mass according to the Tridentine rite.

Saint Willibrord Church, 17061/001

St. Willibrord Church

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