Leeuwenberg guesthouse


Leeuwenbergh guest house Plague hospital built in 1567 from a bequest of Agnes van Leeuwenbergh. nearly rebuilt in 1678 after a city fire. Converted into military barracks in 1794. University building from 1845 to 1930. Church building ever since. Restored in 1881, 1930 and 1977. 

St. Willibrord Church

Sint Willibrordkerk

The built of the Saint Willibrord Church in Utrecht was initiated in 1875, by design of the Dutch architect Alfred Tepe (1840-1920). The neo-gothic church is also a creation of the Saint Bernulphus guild, an association founded in 1869 consisting of priests and artists.The woodcarving has been made in the studio of Friedrich Wilhelm Mengelberg […]

Scale Model Dom Church

Legend: 1. Roman remainders 2. Holy Cross Chapel until 1826 3. Saint Salvator’s Church until 1587 4. Part of the Dom Church that collapsed in 1674 5. Buildings in 1955 6. Dom Church, monastery entrance and tower

Monastic House of Oudmunster

Claustraal Huis Oudmunster

This is the sidewall dating from around 1540 of a medieval home owned by the prebendary (choir master) of the former Oudmunster church, or St Salvator church (circumference in the paving of the Domplein). It is a fine example of early renaissance architecture with sculptures and cramp-irons. The masonry originally was painted red with white […]

Clare Lennart

Clare Lennart

“Piety, beauty, youth, death, madness and old age congregated here” Clare Lennart wrote this in 1960 about the Nicolas Graveyard (Nicolaaskerkhof). Clare Lennart was born in 1899 in Hattem and came in 1926 to Utrecht. She lived here until her death in 1972. More about Clare Lennart – https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clare_Lennart  

Saint Catharina’s Church

Sint Catharinakerk

The construction of the late gothic cross basilica, part of the Carmelite Monastery, started in 1470. The nave of the church was completed in 1551.  The church became a cathedral in 1853. From 1895 to 1900, the church was expanded on the west side by design of A. Tepe.

Lutherian Church

Lutherse Kerk

Lutherian Church Behind the facade, which was designed by Jan Cloppenburg in 1743, lies the originally early 15th-century chapel of the Abraham Dole Monastery. After 1580, the chapel was used, among other things, as an anatomy lecture hall and as a fencing school. In 1743 he was sold to the Lutherian municipality. To get a […]

Gertrude Chapel (Gertudiskapel)

Gertrude Chapel When Catholics were forbidden to organize worship gatherings after the Reformation in 1580, a number of hidden churches were set up in the city, which had to be unrecognizable as a church. That of the parish of the Geertekerk – St. Gertrudis- Was from 1645 housed in a large 13th-century claustral house of […]

The Smee tower

The Smeetoren From 1145 to 1854, the Smeetoren stood here. The Utrecht city law of 1122 included, among other things, the right to own city defense. Canals were dug on the outside of the city and an earthen wall was constructed. Later, tuff towers were built at key points, while the ramparts were gradually replaced […]