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Maria corner 4, 5 and 6

Dutch general medical practice has historically been closely linked to the Mariahoek.

The dutch medical practice society (NHG) and the dutch general practitioner institute (NHI) established themselves at Mariahoek 4 (and 5) in 1965 with an official opening by HRH Princess Beatrix on April 22, 1965. The NHG and the NHI (later NIVEL) moved in 1971 and 1984 respectively to elsewhere in Utrecht.

The establishment of the first Dutch chair in general practice (Prof. Dr. JC van Es, 1966) resulted in the Institute for General Practice of the University of Utrecht (UHI), also at Mariahoek 5. After the start of general practice training in 1971, the UHI

also Mariahoek 6. At the end of 1985 the UHI moved to the Bijlhouwerstraat and in 2000 it became part of the University Medical Center (UMC). Utrecht opened Uithof.

In addition, a general practice has been located at Mariahoek 5 since 1946. This practice moved to the Catherijnesingel in December 2014.


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