Vision trees on the Neude

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The Neude with more trees, as a place to meet in the historic city center, creates for a pleasant appearance, more ambiance and a nice environment for residents, visitors, events and the bars and cafés.

The Neude will gradually transform into a meeting place with more trees, based on the exploitation of the square and the circumstances of the soil.The phasing depends on the urban development of the Neude's surroundings. The square's chestnut trees will remain there as long as they can.

The types of trees (i.a. honey tree and elm) that have been selected for the square are ecologically valuable. They are tall, provide coolness in the summer and fit the usage of the Neude square. We give them extra protection by applying water and air permeable materials in the ground, in order to let the roots of the trees develop in a healthy way.

Vision trees on the Neude

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