Route Rotsoord, no. 2: Trip

The Trip Due to the transport of raw materials and finished products, the Vaartse Rijn was ideal for the establishment of large and small industries in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1820 Mr. L. Robert sold his shipbuilder’s yard “De Verloren Zoon” and the house with “erve” on the slope to H. Trip, a […]
Route Rotsoord, no. 1: Helling

Helling The name Helling is derived from the various shipyards that let barges run off the slope here between 1600 and 1850 or pulled up the slope for repairs. The Helling was the often difficult road or land to all the activity on the east side of the Vaartse Rijn. Between 1400 and 1700 in […]
Route Rotsoord, no 8. Rotsoort

The namesake of Rotsoort is the family Van Oort, who had their De naam is ontleend aan de familie Van Oort die hun buitenplaats uit 1702 (het zuidelijk gedeelte van het terrein van de huidige Pastoe) had gedecoreerd met blauwzwarte (door te grote hitte in de oven gesmolten en daardoor onverkoopbare) steen. Het octrooi en […]