The Layabout (baliekluiver)

The Baliekluiver (Layabout) refers to a time when the activity in the city of Utrecht was concentrated around the canals and wharves. The loading and unloading of ships onto carts and further transportation required a lot of manpower. The Baliekluiver symbolizes a casual worker who, leaning on the railing (balie), waits for a job at […]
Poem Els van Stalborch

Poem Your freshly laundered words aroused snakes beneath the skin and what you wanted fell asleep in a wrinkle of time and woke up after centuries. You did not survive. You could not know that your struggle still cleaves all lush tongues and Utrecht has not forgotten you. Els van Stalborch.
Poem of “Warmte vergt jaren groei”

Even though I’m seventy I’m still planting trees withhold the neighbors from mocking me in birth lies death it is good not to know the hour of death from:”Heat requires years of growth” Willem Hussem. 8 augustus 2010 Annemarie Kooistra
Poem observatory made by Leon Vroman

Poem Sonnenborgh But it is that divine night under the dripping Observatory what I so desire my cold lips on your wet cheek both so defenseless naked – now seventy years later never gave me a drop of water tasted more so generous and horny. Fort Worth, almost November 26, 2008 Leo Vroman
Move – Poem of Ingmar Heytze

To move We move and we leave behind: space, time We draw lines from point to point, we draw out our lives in stone because we move we take with us: everything, nothing, each other. We close the door for the last, count the keys and deliver them. We move, back and forth, until we […]
Poem Bench

“Poem-Bench’’ Design: Tomasz Vetulani Construction: De Wilde Metaal, de Bilt Commissioned by: The Voorveldse Polder Foundation Financed by the Entrepreneurs Fund VoorveldsePolder and the Initiative Fund of the Municipality of Utrecht
The scale

The scale There used to be serious cylinders here They provided work and gave us lettered light Now I’m on my terp of packaged litter Green cultivated, carefully decorated for a bit of relaxation for spoiled children I lay my elbow on my knee and gaze at a horizon full of urban obstacles It doesn’t […]
Lord Jacob van Eyck

Lord Jacob van Eyck c 1590 – 1657 Musician and Director of Utrecht’s clockwork In mouth and fingers, a keenness of hearing. In flute and carillon a wonder of the centuries
Biltsche Grift, The Rowing Escape

The Rowing Flight A colorful boat of beaded braids, golden locks of curly hair sails through the Biltsche Grift Chatter on the water opens languid eyes for a moment, lying on the warm grass. But suddenly the barge is silent. The chips hang motionless. Just the rustle of the water and the wind. The boat […]
Praise of Ceramics

Praise of Ceramics At the beginning of the twentieth century, a number of factories stood on the Strosteeg, on the site of the parking garage, of which the pottery factories St. Lukas and De Vier Paddenstoelen are known best. Initiative: Strosteeg Wall Art Foundation Participating artists: Kees Agterberg, Anco van der Haar, Henk van der […]