Manenburg, bastion on the canal

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In the middle of the 16th century, four defensive bastions were built by order of Emperor Charles V, one on the north side of the city (morning star) and three on the south side. Manenburg is the middle of those three. The strongholds were designed by Willem van Noort, advised by the Italian master builder Donato di Bona and built between 1551 and 1553.

The stronghold consisted of a heavy retaining wall enclosed dirt body. In the withdrawn flanks behind this earthly body, on either side were the (still existing) canon rails. Built in two layers between these cannon go-karts is a pentagonal courtyard. The Utrecht artist Peter d'Hont had his studio here from 1943 to 1997. Built on top of the cannon cellars, the 16th century shed with gate and an officer's residence have both been preserved.


Manenburg, bastion on the canal

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