Romance – Bicycle parking

Romance When a lot of staff still worked in this building in the 1960s, romances also arose. My best memory of the Neude In 1960 I, Joop van Luijn, worked at the assembly department in the telephone exchanges on the Neude. That same year I met my current wife in the post office. Irene worked […]
someone to call

Calling someone? Back in the day, if you wanted to call someone and you didn’t have a telephone number, you could call the number information service 008. You got the telephone operators on the line who helped you look up the number. In the carousel archive above the ladies or in one of the books […]
Telephone exchange office 2010

Telephone exchange 2010 This photo shows one of the four telephone exchanges in the building around the turn of the century. With this exchange, telephone traffic between other exchanges, including those of the other telephone providers, was processed. The exchange was previously included in the national telephone traffic network. Other exchanges in the building processed […]
Types of telephone exchanges – bicycle parking de Neude

Types of telephone exchanges Over the years, the capacity of the telephone exchange has continued to grow. Fewer and fewer people were also needed for operation and maintenance. Photos above portray this development. In 1926, approximately 1 operator was needed to serve 100 customers. In 1960, 1 maintenance engineer was needed per 1000 customers to […]
Telephony equipment in the old post office

Telephony equipment in the old post office After this building was completed in 1924, all the services of the PTT (Post Telegraaf and Telephone) were successively moved in. In 1926, telephony services started in this building with 4400 customers from the city of Utrecht who were connected to a new automatic exchange. These connections used […]